Thursday, May 14, 2020

4 Biggest Recruitment Mistakes Made by Small Businesses

4 Biggest Recruitment Mistakes Made by Small Businesses Small businesses generally don’t have unlimited resources and time to waste on recruitment mistakes. Hiring costs an average of $4,169. It should also be mentioned that replacing someone costs even more: an average of 6 to 9 months of that employee’s salary!Photo Credit â€" Pixabay.comFor a manager making $40,000 a year, that’s $20,000 to $30,000 in recruiting and training expenses. Bad hires are avoidable money pits. Below are the worst things you can do for your small business recruitment and solutions to prevent them.1. Hiring purely based on skill setYour first instinct may be to hire the “superstar” candidate that has confidence and a stellar resume. However, avoiding a toxic worker provides more benefit than finding and retaining a superstar! An overconfident personality can be easily misconstrued as positive, but may very well lead to hiring someone with skills but no culture fit. A toxic employee can hinder the productivity of your business. No company needs this, e specially small businesses!evalSolution: Define the ideal hire beforehand, focusing on skill set and values/goals/personality, simultaneously! Use a survey to screen for make-or-break answers early on in the application process. Constantly optimize the hiring process in order to hire the best fit for your company, even as your hiring needs change and grow.2. “Posting and praying”This method may only work if your small business has scaled into an internationally recognized brand, and even then, it’s not the best method. Slapping a job posting up on a job board Even when using the right streamlining software, small businesses can make the mistake of putting too much pressure on the HR department during the hiring process. Deadlines approaching and an empty chair to fill can lead hiring personnel to make hasty decisions.Rushed processes are normally not the most efficient, and it’s no different when making a new hire. The HR team may experience burnout and make hiring decisions that lead to quick firing decisions. High turnover rate then negatively impacts employer brand.Solution: Collaborate! Hiring as a team has several benefits: different perspectives, increased employee morale, hires that are better fits, less bias, and less burnout from putting pressure on just the HR personnel. Build rapport all year round and keep potential candidates in talent pools for quick outreach later. This way, you won’t be pressured to find quality talent in a short amount of time, because you will have a resource to tap from.Practical Application for your Small BusinessThis may seem like daunting information to take in and process, but once you get started, it’s worth it to craft your recruitment strategy! In order to avoid major, destructive hiring behaviors, ensure that your small business does the following: hire for skills and cultural fit, target passive and active candidates, find the right tool to streamline areas of the process, and work together to hire the b est candidates for your team.evalRemember that your small business needs to establish employer brand, working from the inside out. Foster a work environment that talent will want to join, and everything else will fall into place.

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