Thursday, July 23, 2020

5 Ways to End Job Search Stress in 5 Minutes or Less - Blog Job Hunting Career Management Solutions

5 Ways to End Job Search Stress in 5 Minutes or Less April is Stress Awareness Month and its time to call attention to the stress you, a devoted job seeker, experience during your search. The number one cause of stress in the United States is job-related. Whether its stress from your current job or anxiety you experience during your job search, stress is holding professionals everywhere back from having some peace of mind in their careers. When it comes to job search stress, there are a variety of causes. Research shows 92 percent of adults fear something about the interview process. Another 75 percent fear that theyre overqualified for a position. And aside from the negative impact it has on our bodies, stress causes physical and mental side effects that can negatively impact job search success. This is why its important for job seekers to eliminate as much stress from your job search as possible. If your job search has you under pressure, here are five stress relief tips for job seekers: 1. Identify the source of your stress. There are a million sources of job search stress. Whether its getting turned down for an interview or not hearing back from employers, these things can take a toll on your attitude and motivation. For example, if you find yourself never hearing back from employers, take a look at your job search strategy. Do you find yourself sending the same resume and cover letter to every employer? If so, this could be something you could change to improve your job search. 2. Take a moment to be thankful. Whether youre an employed job seeker or have experienced long-term unemployment, take a moment to feel thankful about your career. Regardless of your current status, write a list of the moments in your life that positively impacted your career. This list will serve as an excellent reminder to stay positive during your job search. In fact, being thankful for your career experiences, youll notice a change of attitude and motivation that’ll improve your search, too. 3. Call a friend or mentor. Calling a person you trust can help ease the stress when youre feeling down. Its easy to get caught up in the negative emotions caused by your stressful job search and even allow them to weigh you down. Talking to someone (and even venting a little) can help you blow off some steam. In fact, your friend could also provide you with a new perspective to apply to your search. Talking to your mentor is especially important as you feel stressed about your job search. He or she can help you cope with the stress by strategizing your job search. Express to your mentor the problems with your search and work with them to find a solution. Sometimes, it takes an outside person to look into your situation to help you figure out where to improve. 4. Stop taking rejection personally. Rejection is inevitable during the job search process, even for the best of us. Chances are, its usually because an employer found a candidate who was a little more qualified than you. However, you need to remember there are employers looking for exactly what you have to offer. As you experience rejection from employers, learn how to turn it into a positive learning experience. Consider seeking feedback from the hiring manager on areas where you can improve, or what they thought you lacked as a candidate. Now, don’t be alarmed if the hiring manager doesn’t have time to provide you with feedback. What matters most is you attempt to seek critical feedback that will allow you to turn the rejection into something positive. 5. Visualize. Your imagination is a powerful tool when it comes to managing stress. When youre feeling down about your job search, take your mind back to a time where you accomplished something. Sometimes, its easy to forget how awesome we are as individuals when our job search doesnt go as planned. Taking time to think about your accomplishments, talents, and passions can help draw inspiration for your search and get you back on track. Theres no doubt stress impacts job seekers, especially in todays job market. The constant worry of maintaining employment is something many job seekers can relate to. However, when it comes to having peace of mind during your search, its time to relax and take your job search one day at a time. What are your best tips for reducing job search stress for job seekers?

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